
Get tips online!

Visitors will be able to list a tip via Google Pay or Apple Pay, through a special page to receive a tip.

Create a page Create a page
Own page for tips
Create a personalized page for tips through which you will be able to reseive the tips
Fast start
Designer allows you to create a simple page in a few minutes. You must fill in the fields and add a card
Pages for the staff
Create a page for waiters (cafes, restaurants). Unlimited pages
Payments monitoring
Control all getting payments received and statistics in your account
Receive a notification in the messenger for each payment through the page
Get automatic payment on the card of any Ukrainian bank

No cash for tips? - get tips online

It is enough to specify name, description, photo and card for payouts

It will automatically generate a QR code for a page that visitors will be able to scan mobile camera and send tips.

Создать страницу для себя Создать страницу для себя Создать страницу для заведения

How does it work?

Page creating
Create own page for tips or for staff. And place QR on business cards, brochures, posters, etc.
Payment of tips
A visitor scans the QR by mobile camera and send tips with Google Pay tip, Apple Pay or card
Payment will send to the Ukrainian bank card which was add in page.

For whom is suitable

Manicure masters
Taxi drivers
Any service sector

Get feedback

The visitor will be able to leave a rating for the service and write a review about the work of the institution.

View reviews and ratings possible in the Dashboard.

WayForPay.Tips mobile application

Control all tips, create new or edit pages, view ratings and reviews. Show the visitor your QR directly from your mobile for tip

What about the commissions?

In favor of successful payments, regardless of the payment method
Connect Connect

What else can you do with WayForPay?

QR Menu
Free electronic menu for a cafe or restaurant

Create a menu where visitors can get acquainted with dishes and place your order

Product showcase
Billed for payment orders. Alternative POS terminal

Form the account for the client of the dishes in the order and send the payment to, or create QR for payment.

Shop Online
Create a website where the customer can arrange and pay for the order

Simple Site Designer, the delivery module and integrated popular payment methods